Game Boy ROM Projects

Project Title Description Image
DGB Sound engine Game Boy sound engine, player and converter written in assembly and C. Higher speed efficiency and better Game Boy optimization compared to regluar .vgm engines. Official Deflemask ROM exporter.
GB2Twitter Twitter client written in assembly, python and C for the Nintendo Game Boy. Winner of the Student Innovation Centre 2019 Idea fund.
MarineAhoyGB Game Boy ROM written in assembly to play a visualized cover of Ahoy!! 我ら宝鐘海賊団 by Houshou Marine. Example demo for my custom sound engine.
Horror Demo WIP Game Boy demoscene demo with 3d effects.

University Class Projects

Project Title Description Image
CMPUT 301 Project Semester project to build an experiment logging android app in a group.
CMPUT 404 Project Semester project to build a decentralized social network with github integration.

Game Boy/Chiptune tools

Project Title Description
LSDJ2DMW Tool to extract synth instruments and wavetables from Little Sound Dj (LSDj) to the .dmw format
RMW2Txt Tool to generate a human readable printout of instructions from a Rockman World II sound engine track for rom hacking.