My Albums

Eastern Retrograde Memories

10 track Game boy Touhou cover album

Eastern Retrograde Memories

Retro Reveries of Mysticism

Game boy Touhou cover album

Retro Reveries of Mysticism

Contributions to Other Albums


Circle: Grazepoint

1. Fated Dark Road


Absolute Zero: Perfect 9

Circle: Violet Delta

1. Polar Blue

Absolute Zero: Perfect 9

Commodore Trilogy

Group: Battle of the Bits

1. 哎​吔​!​(​Aiya​!​)

Commodore Trilogy

Summer Chip 7

Group: Battle of the Bits

1. Fungus!

Summer Chip 7

Summer Chip 9

Group: Battle of the Bits

1. Carnivals Mirage

2. Don't Leave Me Hanging

Summer Chip 7

Autumn Jam III

Group: Chiptune Cafe

1. The horror

Autumn Jam III